Stefan Bruckner

Professor, Chair of Visual Analytics, University of Rostock, Germany.


I am a visualization researcher and professor at the University of Rostock, where I head the Chair of Visual Analytics at the Institute for Visual and Analytic Computing since February 2023. Previously, I was professor of visualization at the Department of Informatics of the University of Bergen in Norway. I investigate methods for gaining insight into complex data to further scientific understanding and discovery, medical diagnosis and treatment, and engineering, as well as techniques for communicating these findings to the public. Building on these foundations, my current interests include the development of novel interactive approaches for the inquiry of large-scale heterogeneous data spaces in data-driven science.

Before my professorial appointment in Bergen in 2013, I was an assistant professor at the TU Wien, Austria where I also received my Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2008 and was awarded habilitation degree (venia docendi) in Practical Computer Science in 2012.

I have co-authored over 100 research papers on a variety of topics in visual computing including work on areas such as illustrative visualization, volume rendering, smart visual interfaces, biomedical data visualization, and visual parameter space exploration.

I was program co-chair of EuroVis, PacificVis, the Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, the Eurographics Medical Prize, and am an associate editor of the journals IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics and Computers & Graphics. I currently serve on the Eurographics Executive Committee and am a member of ACM SIGGRAPH, Eurographics, and the IEEE Computer Society.

selected publications

  1. Garrison-2023-CAN.png
    Current Approaches in Narrative Medical Visualization
    Laura Ann Garrison, Monique Meuschke, Bernhard Preim, and Stefan Bruckner
    In Approaches for Science Illustration and Communication, 2023
  2. Kristiansen-2021-SSG.png
    Semantic Snapping for Guided Multi-View Visualization Design
    Yngve Sekse Kristiansen, Laura Garrison, and Stefan Bruckner
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Jan 2022
  3. Bolte-2021-SVM.png
    SplitStreams: A Visual Metaphor for Evolving Hierarchies
    Fabian Bolte, Mahsan Nourani, Eric Ragan, and Stefan Bruckner
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Aug 2021
  4. Garrison-2021-DIH.png
    DimLift: Interactive Hierarchical Data Exploration through Dimensional Bundling
    Laura Garrison, Juliane Müller, Stefanie Schreiber, Steffen Oeltze-Jafra, Helwig Hauser, and Stefan Bruckner
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Jun 2021
  5. Trautner-2021-LWI.png
    Line Weaver: Importance-Driven Order Enhanced Rendering of Dense Line Charts
    Thomas Trautner, and Stefan Bruckner
    Computer Graphics Forum, Jun 2021
  6. Trautner-2020-SPM.png
    Sunspot Plots: Model-based Structure Enhancement for Dense Scatter Plots
    Thomas Trautner, Fabian Bolte, Sergej Stoppel, and Stefan Bruckner
    Computer Graphics Forum, May 2020
  7. Bruckner-2018-MSD.png
    A Model of Spatial Directness in Interactive Visualization
    Stefan Bruckner, Tobias Isenberg, Timo Ropinski, and Alexander Wiebel
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Aug 2019
  8. Bruckner-2019-DVM.png
    Dynamic Visibility-Driven Molecular Surfaces
    Stefan Bruckner
    Computer Graphics Forum, May 2019
  9. Stoppel-2019-FVI.png
    Firefly: Virtual Illumination Drones for Interactive Visualization
    Sergej Stoppel, Magnus Paulson Erga, and Stefan Bruckner
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Jan 2019
    Best SciVis Paper Honorable Mention at VIS 2018
  10. Magnus-2018-IDV.png
    Interactive Dynamic Volume Illumination with Refraction and Caustics
    Jens G. Magnus, and Stefan Bruckner
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Phoenix, USA, Jan 2018
  11. Diehl-2017-AVA.png
    Albero: A Visual Analytics Approach for Probabilistic Weather Forecasting
    Alexandra Diehl, Leandro Pelorosso, Kresimir Matkovic, Juan Ruiz, Meister Eduard Gröller, and Stefan Bruckner
    Computer Graphics Forum, Oct 2017
  12. Solteszova-2017-OFS.png
    Output-Sensitive Filtering of Streaming Volume Data
    Veronika Šoltészová, Åsmund Birkeland, Sergej Stoppel, Ivan Viola, and Stefan Bruckner
    Computer Graphics Forum, Jan 2017
  13. Stoppel-2017-VPI.png
    Vol2velle: Printable Interactive Volume Visualization
    Sergej Stoppel, and Stefan Bruckner
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Baltimore, USA, Jan 2017
  14. Diehl-2015-VAS.png
    Visual Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Data: Applications in Weather Forecasting
    Alexandra Diehl, Leandro Pelorosso, Claudio Delrieux, Celeste Saulo, Juan Ruiz, Meister Eduard Gröller, and Stefan Bruckner
    Computer Graphics Forum, Cagliari, Italy, May 2015
  15. Karimov-2015-GVE.png
    Guided Volume Editing based on Histogram Dissimilarity
    Alexey Karimov, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Thomas Auzinger, and Stefan Bruckner
    Computer Graphics Forum, Cagliari, Italy, May 2015
  16. Mindek-2014-MSS.png
    Managing Spatial Selections with Contextual Snapshots
    Peter Mindek, Meister Eduard Gröller, and Stefan Bruckner
    Computer Graphics Forum, Dec 2014
  17. Auzinger-2013-VVC.png
    Vessel Visualization using Curved Surface Reformation
    Thomas Auzinger, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Ivan Baclija, Rüdiger Schernthaner, Arnold Köchl, Michael Wimmer, Meister Eduard Gröller, and Stefan Bruckner
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Dec 2013
  18. Schmidt-2013-VVA.png
    VAICo: Visual Analysis for Image Comparison
    Johanna Schmidt, Meister Eduard Gröller, and Stefan Bruckner
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Dec 2013
  19. Patel-2013-ICS.png
    Instant Convolution Shadows for Volumetric Detail Mapping
    Daniel Patel, Veronika Šoltészová, Jan Martin Nordbotten, and Stefan Bruckner
    ACM Transactions on Graphics, Sep 2013
  20. Bruckner-2010-RES.png
    Result-Driven Exploration of Simulation Parameter Spaces for Visual Effects Design
    Stefan Bruckner, and Torsten Möller
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Oct 2010
  21. Bruckner-2010-ISM.png
    Isosurface Similarity Maps
    Stefan Bruckner, and Torsten Möller
    Computer Graphics Forum, Bordeaux, France, Jun 2010
    Best Paper Award at EuroVis 2010
  22. Bruckner-2009-BVQ.png
    BrainGazer - Visual Queries for Neurobiology Research
    Stefan Bruckner, Veronika Šoltészová, Meister Eduard Gröller, Jiří Hladůvka, Katja Bühler, Jai Yu, and Barry Dickson
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA, Nov 2009
  23. Bruckner-2009-IVV.png
    Instant Volume Visualization using Maximum Intensity Difference Accumulation
    Stefan Bruckner, and Meister Eduard Gröller
    Computer Graphics Forum, Berlin, Germany, Jun 2009
  24. Bruckner-2007-EDF.png
    Enhancing Depth-Perception with Flexible Volumetric Halos
    Stefan Bruckner, and Meister Eduard Gröller
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Sacramento, California, USA, Oct 2007
  25. Bruckner-2007-STF.png
    Style Transfer Functions for Illustrative Volume Rendering
    Stefan Bruckner, and Meister Eduard Gröller
    Computer Graphics Forum, Prague, Czech Republic, Sep 2007
    3rd Best Paper Award at Eurographics 2007
  26. Bruckner-2006-ICE.png
    Illustrative Context-Preserving Exploration of Volume Data
    Stefan Bruckner, Sören Grimm, Armin Kanitsar, and Meister Eduard Gröller
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Nov 2006
  27. Bruckner-2006-EVV.png
    Exploded Views for Volume Data
    Stefan Bruckner, and Meister Eduard Gröller
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Sep 2006
  28. Bruckner-2005-VIS.png
    VolumeShop: An Interactive System for Direct Volume Illustration
    Stefan Bruckner, and Meister Eduard Gröller
    In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization, Minneapolis, USA, Oct 2005